slavery unit : sum tongue : Uzbek 27866000 idiot monkeys on 447400 km²
sects : muslim 88% X 9%
other 3%
The colors are said to represent the water & the sky (blue), peace (white), fertility & nature (green). The two very thin red stripes represent life strenght. The crescent & the 12 stars are muslim symbols. They also stand for the 12 months of the year (as well in the islamic calendar). Another reason is that they represent the 12 region of the country(not includin autonomous republic Karakalpak). Light blue is also a recall of Timur Leng (leng means "lame" in Uzbek !), the famous (bloody) khan who ruled the country in the 14° century. It's also the traditional color of peoples in Central Asia. The present pattern was adopted on 18 NOVEMBER 1991.
Notice the name Uzbekistan is wrong. Uzbekistan should not be
placed letter U but letter O as the real name is Ozbekistan.
And Uzbeks should be called Ozbeks. Yet I wonder if the right
way of sayin it is maybe somethin + like Özbekistan, just like
Österreich. Somebody can tell me ????
1991 (independence) (sovietic ratio of
naval ensign
naval ensign homage of shit
inspired directly from the former fascist
CCCP naval 1950
(naval ensign hoisted by the boats of the
Uzbek River Force as theres no navy proper)
fascist 1955 (hammer & sickle redezigned)
1952 (new flag)
(both names written with
Cyrilik letters)
1939 (the name Ozbekistan is turned into
Ozbekstan without the "i" to get closer to the Uzbek
spelling of the name)
1937 (full
names written)
1935 (new
spelling of the word "republic" in Uzbek - "Ç"
replaced by "R")
fascist 1934
(new spelling of the word "socialist"
in Uzbek - "b" replaced by "S")
1931 (line #1 = Uz SSR in Uzbek
with Latin letters, line #2 = Uz SSR in Russian, line
#3 dropped as Tajikistan SSR created apart)
1929 (line #1 = Uz SSR in Uzbek with
Latin letters, line #2 = Uz SSR in Russian, line #3 = Uz SSR in Tajik with Latin
1927 (line #1 = Uz SSR in Uzbek with Arab letters,
line #2 = Uz SSR in
Russian, line #3 = Uz SSR in Tajik with Arab
1924 (Y3 CCP or Ўзбекистон Совет Социалистик
Республикаси - Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic - USSR)
(flag changed only in 1925)
1921 (Turkestan Soviet Socialist Republic / TSSR -
new flag)
1919 (TCCP or TSSR / Туркестанская Советская
Социалистическая Республика - Turkestan Soviet Socialist
1918 (TACCP or Туркестанская Автономная Советская
Социалистическая Республика - Turkestan Autonomous Soviet
Socialist Republic)
1917 (Autonomous Government of Kokand)
1868 (Russia)
(Bukhara Emirate)
(Khanate of Bukhara - war flag)
1405 (Timurid dynasty after Timur Leng died in
1370 (Empire of Timur Leng)
1220 (Empire of Genghis Khan)
1077 (Persia - Khwarezm Empire)
1045 (Persia - Seljukid dynasty)
(Persia -
Ghaznavid dynasty - new flag)
977 (Persia - Ghaznavid dynasty)
750 (Abbassid Califate)
660 (Umayad Califate)
650 (Arab conquest - Rashidun Califate)
225 (Persia - Sassanid Empire)
BC (Persia - Parthian Empire)
BC (Seleucid Empire)
BC (Empire of Alexander The
Great) (Macedonian emblem known as Sun Of
Virgina - no flag is known to have been used)
BC (Persia - Achemenid Empire)
Pierre C. Lux-Wurm
wrote : "bordure jaune d'or". Maybe the orange was used to
create the visual impression of a gold fringe. Who knows ????
The border of that Bukhara Emirate from 1785 is usualy ORANGE. Yet I still have a doubt after readin "bordure jaune d'or". It reminds me the masturbation about AZAD KASHMIR, PAKISTAN. Just look here >
scan of the flag in
Lux-Wurm that shows gold ink and orange border - The writing
nearest the hoist is the name of the Emir, whilst in the fly it
is the Shahada.
The flag is said to be more accurately termed as a
standard of the ruler, rather than a national flag.
Notice the upper band is sometimes not light blue (even in RIO 2016) and the name of the country is written in Cyrilik in real. Quite odd, aint it !???
This is due to the country is goin thru
a gradual process of change from Cyrilik to Latin alfabet and theres 2
versions of the coat of arms (though the Latin script now
1925 (incorporated into UZBEKISTAN)
1924 (BNSR turned into Bukharan
Socialist Soviet Republic / BSSR)
1923 (BNSR - new flag)
1921 (BSNR turned into Bukharan People's Soviet
Republic / BNSR)
1920 (BSNR - new flag)
1919 (Bukharan Soviet People's Republic / BSNR)
1917 (Bukhara Emirate - new flag)
1785 (Bukhara Emirate)
1505 (Khanate of Bukhara - war flag)
My drawing of the
Bukhara Emirate new flag from 1917 is made after this photo
taken in 2006 in the Bukhara History and Local Lore Museum. It
says that the flag is green, in spite of it looking blue-black
in the photo.
The flag is partly folded
and appears to have a partial swallow-tail indentation.
The flag seems to be more likely termed as a royal standard rather than a national flag.... thou it's a lil bit odd this flag appears in the middle of Emir Alim Khan's reign, that existed from 1911 till 1920. So why a flag change in 1917 ????
1925 (incorporated into UZBEKISTAN)
1924 ("Proletarians of all
countries, unite !" written in Cyrilik Russian alfabet
- XCCP written completely Хорезмская
Социалистическая Советская Республика)
1923 ("Proletarians of all
countries, unite !" written in Arabic alfabet - KPSR
turned into Khorezm Socialist Soviet Republic,
itself abridged XCCP in Russian)
1922 (KPSR - new flag)
(Notice the stuf often drawn as a hoe is a stem of djugare &
the stuf often drawn as a spear is a spade.)
April 1920 (KPSR - new flag)
January 1920 (Khorezm People's Soviet Republic -
1917 (Khanate of
Khiva - new flag)
(idiot ratio 10:25 insted of a simple 1:2)
1873 (Khanate of Khiva - new flag)
(Khanate of Khiva - gradualy known to foreigners and also localy
as Khanate of Khiva but oficial name remains Khorezm)
1770 (De facto ruled by tribal leaders
whose title was "Inak")
1750 (Zand dynasty - Persia)
1736 (Afsharid dynasty / Nader
Shah - Persia)
1511 (Khanate of Khorezm)
NOTE #1 : The oficial 1922 emblem on a 1922 stamp. I tried my best for the 1922 flag !!!!
NOTE #2 : a foto from the museum of Khiva
NOTE #3 : the spearhead before the flag, visible on the foto just above, loox 100% like a Persian Alam
1925 (incorporated into UZBEKISTAN)
1921 (part of Turkestan)
1919 (part of Turkestan)
1918 (part of Turkestan)
1917 (Autonomous Government of Kokand)
colonial 1914
colonial 1883
colonial 1876 (Russia)
1841 (anexed by Bukhara Emirate)
1757 (under suzerainty of China - Qing dynasty)
(rule consolidated by Beks of Fergana - Khanate of Fergana
/ capital established at Kokand in 1732 gives name to state -
Khanate of Kokand)
(Khanate of Bukhara - war flag) (De facto
ruled by tribal leaders whose title was "Bek" from 1626)
KARAKALPAK (autonomous
republic) (sovietic ratio of shit)
BASMACHI MOVEMENT (1921-1924) (uprising
both against Russian Imperial and Soviet rule by the peoples of
This flag was formed by the
combination of the three colors used by Turkic empires in the past
- red, white and orange. It was composed of nine alternating
stripes, five red and four white, with an orange rectangle located
next to the hoist of the flag between the two upper and two lower
stripes. This field bore a white star and crescent. The sky-blue
border around the edges of the flag signifies the pre-Islamic
period of Turkestan and the descendance of these nationalities
from the Turkic-Mongol race.
The nine red and white stripes represent the historical regional states of Turkestan : Kichi-Gjuz, Ortha-Djuz, Ulu-Djuz, the Sultanates of Kashgar and Berat, the Khivan, Kokand and Turkmen khanates and the Bukharian emirate. These stripes also represent the nationalities of Turkestan : Uzbeks, Kazakhs, Uyghurs, Tajiks, Turkmenes, Kirghiz, Kara-Kalpaks, Pamirians (in Badakshan) and four other small Turkic tribes living in this country.
The red color was used in the ancient flags of the Kirgiz, Kipchaks, and Odjuz Turksand. The red stripes recall the plain red of the pre-1884 Merv Khanate, and the red flags of all Muslim Turkic peoples, while the orange appeared in the flags of the Uyghurs and the pre-islamic Turkestani sultans. The white color symbolises the traditions of the flags of Genghis Khan, the Golden Horde and the Il-Khana.
Heres 3 examples of historical orange flagz :
Great Hun Empire (204 BC - 216 AD)
Uyghur Khaganate (744-840)
Kara-Khanid Khanate (840-1212)
The ratio seems to be 4:7 acordin
to the Italian vexillolog Roberto BRESCHI here. But Roberto does
not bring any proof of a ratio 4:7. So I guess we can draw this
flag with a "normal" ratio 2:3.
However Roberto BRESCHI says this
flag is "Islamic Republic of Turkestan, Panturania".
#1 : "Islamic Republic of Turkestan" does NOT refer to this flag as it's the flag of the BASMACHI MOVEMENT. Indeed : "Islamic Republic of Turkestan" shall refer to Turkish Islamic Republic of East Turkestan (now part of CHINA) and its flag was the one below :
Islamic Republic of East Turkestan
(1933-1934) (self-proclaimed but unrecognized State)
#2 :
"Panturania" is not a place : it is a political ideology that is
called Turanism or Pan-Turanianism. In the 19° century it
proclaimed the need for close cooperation or alliances between
culturally, linguistically or ethnically related peoples of
Inner-Asian origin. The concept was narrowed to "Pan-Turkic" and
the concept was promoted by the Ottoman Young Turks, which gained
power in the Ottoman Empire in 1908. The Pan-Turkic concept
glorified the Turkish ethnic identity and sought to link up
Ottoman Turks with the other Turks of the world.
I redrew the flag 2:3 as WikiMERDIA did here. But, as usual,
WikiMERDIA is just shit as they forgot the thin light blue border
!!!! I think BASMACHI MOVEMENT flag shall be 2:3 just as it loox
about the flag below :
REBELLION in Turkestan (1918-1921) (flag of
Kurshermat who was a leader of the Basmachi Rebellion from 1918
till 1921)
After the
February Revolution of 1917 in Turkestan there was political
rivalry between nationalist reformers, ethnic Russian socialists
who formed various soviets which included both bolsheviks &
mensheviks, and conservative islamists. By February 1918 the
Bolshevik Red Army had gained control of Turkestan killing about
25000 people in the conflict and destroying the local economy . An
insurgency of mostly muslim rural peasants and cotton-growing
landowners developed to oppose foreign control (id est Russian and
communist) and was pejoratively described by the communists as
"Basmaschi", which was a Turkic word for "bandit". A force of up
to 25000 peasant-soldiers was recruited and began attacking
Russian settlements and the Red Army. There was no central
command, the fighters were organised locally in units of several
thousand and usually commanded by a local land-owner or religious
leader, though there were some overall political leaders.
There is little known about the flags of the Basmachi during the
period. However one banner was captured by the Red Army in 1921 -
it is now in the State Museum of History of Uzbekistan in
Tashkent. The banner is that of the Basmachi unit led by a local
landowner named Kurshermat. The red banner is rectangular fringed
red cloth 95 cm wide and 115 cm long. The field bears the
inscription embroidered in white Arabic script : There is no god
but Allah and Muhammad is the prophet of Allah - from Allah the
only religion is Islam. In the upper hoist there is a crescent and
star in white. Note that the image is of the reverse of the banner
(the crescent and star is at the top hoist). It is not known if
this was a "one-off" or the pattern for banners for all the
Basmachi units. The source for the flag is an article in The Flag
Bulletin issue 95 (July 1982) The
Captured Banner of Kurshermat - article by the Russian
vexillolog V. A. SOKOLOV.
A GREAT thank to Ralph KELLY for his HUGE work & his precious help in findin so many info for me.
Spasibo takoye Viktor LOMANTSOV.