MALI    (Republic of)    (Mali Ka Fasojamana)    []

            slavery unit : fuckin franc CFA    (Colonies Françaises d'Afrik)

            oficial tongues : Bambara, Bobo, Bozo, Dogon, Fula, Hassaniya, Kassonke, Maninke, Minyanka, Senufo, Songhai, Soninke, Tamashek

            work language : French

            20000000 idiot monkeys on 1241231 km²

            puke sects : muslim 95%    pagan 3%    X 2%

            (NB : Colonial frontieres of shit in the whole AFRIKA since the 1885 Conference of Berlin of shit.)

            The flag of Mali is the very design of the combination of the African colors & the French Tricolor. In 1959 this flag was bearin a stylized black human figure named Kanaga in its center. Yet this picture was dropped bikoz of fuckin idiot islamic so called reasons of shit. The present pattern was adopted on 1 MARCH 1961. Notice the motto is exactly the same as Senegal.

                       capital : BAMAKO failed flag (monokrom with arms)                   MARKO's project

MARKO's idea (launched 10 August 2023) due to the LAST MINIT situation :


ABOLITION of Mali, Faso, Niger. Proclamation of the SONGHAI EMPIRE.
Do NOT repeat the fatal error of the Union of African States (1958-1962).
Make a real new SOLE country : the Songhai Empire.
Do NOT choze an ADMINISTRATIVE name of shit.
Example #1 of an ADMINISTRATIVE name of shit = United States of America
Example #2 of an ADMINISTRATIVE name of shit = United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland
Example #3 of an ADMINISTRATIVE name of shit = Senegambia Confederation (1982-1989)
Example #4 of an ADMINISTRATIVE name of shit = Aliance des Etats du Sahel
Example #1 of REAL NAMES = Mali, Faso, Niger
Example #2 of REAL NAME = Songhai Empire
Final dot.

ABOLITION of the nowadayz inner administrative divisions.
Creation of a federal Songhai Empire, bazed on NEW adm. divisions, as close as the ethnic ranges.
Make a real new SOLE country : the Songhai Empire with a NEW federal capital & a NEW flag.
(I dezigned a project for a new provisional flag !)
I suggest to start with a triumvirat made of 3 emperors : Goita, Traoré, Tchiani.
I M extremely serious.

Slogan : "Travel by the SEA !" (Songhai Empire Airlines) - Fun slogan : no sea around the SE !!

                MARKO's project (both darker green & yello). After the 2020 coup, Mali should break definitely with the French Tricolor, to DISPLAY its emancipation from France, 60 years after 1960, at last !!!!

                1961    (Kanaga dropped)

                September 1960    (independence of Sudanese Republic which is renamed Republic of Mali)    (flag kept by Republic of Mali)

                August 1960    (Mali Federation dissolved)    (flag kept by Sudanese Republic)

                June 1960    (independence of Mali Federation - French Sudan is renamed Sudanese Republic)    (Mali Federation = Sudanese Republic + Senegal)    (new flag)

                colonial 1958    (new status of autonomy for French Sudan - France)    (black human figure named Kanaga added on the flag)

                colonial 1892    (colonial name : French Sudan - France)

                1300's    (Empire of Mali)


                                                                                                                                                                                                      + 4 BONUS FLAGZ :

            Union of African States 1958-1962
(organization flag, not national flag)      MNLA (Mouvement National de Libération de l'Azawad)      MSA (Mouvement pour le Salut de l'Azawad)                     TUAREG people in NIGER and MALI

                MNLA coat of arms


                map of ALL IMAZIGHEN PEOPLES

                map AZAWAD (Tuareg range)

                TIFINAGH ALFABET

                    Tinawiren Amazing Touareg Music - Enjoy >

                HISTORICAL EMPIRE OF MALI   (1250-1400)....


MARKO's project for West Africa in order both to fuck colonial frontieres of shit and to REcreate the "Empire" of MALI as from 1250 till 1400.

                                       MARKO suports the full independence of AZAWAD and greets warmly all AZAWAD freedom fighters !!!!


                       (Mouvement National pour la Libération de l'Azawad)   (Excellent site dédié à Modibo KEITA / 1915-1977)